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Category: Investing Mentality

  • Easy Ways to Add Sources of Income

    Easy Ways to Add Sources of Income

    Hi Impatient Investors Add more sources of income to your life. We live in turbulent times and many of us only have one leg to stand on (a job). Instead of a one legged stool, let’s change to a three legged stool. So instead of one source of income let’s try for three. However, most… Read more

  • The Real Reasons you should be Investing!

    The Real Reasons you should be Investing!

    Hi Impatient Investors! This is the real reasons you should be investing! Why Hold Shares? The real reasons you should be investing are that stock or shares are a way to secure and grow wealth. It creates passive income and stocks tend to outpace inflation. Stocks can keep things exciting, if you have a company… Read more

  • Mistakes that make Investing Frustrating!

    Hi Impatient Investors! The stock market and any form of investments really, represents an opportunity costs. Technically you can spend your money on anything, literally anything, but you cannot buy everything. So the formal economics definition of opportunity cost, what you have to give up to buy what you want in terms of other goods… Read more

  • The Ultimate Oxymoron, Impatient Investors!

    Hi Impatient Investors! Welcome to the site. This is a warning against being too impatient. Investments take time, investment takes patience and in order to see some stocks really grow, it takes time. Let’s look at a major example: AAPL This stock chart came from yahoo finance, ticker symbol AAPL. As you can see on… Read more